Post Overview
9 years ago+1 1 0IASIP - brilliant comedy across 10 seasons
A good writeup reflecting on the brilliance of comedy that is IASIP
9 years ago+21 21 0 x 1Entrepreneurs don't have a special gene for risk—they're rich kids with safety nets
The cult of the entrepreneur teaches us the wrong lesson.
2 comment(s) via -
9 years agoExpression+1 1 0Words are Muck
(and why I’m still an English Major)
9 years ago+1 1 0This is not an org-mode tutorial - while true live
I guess it was about a year ago when I decided to give org-mode another go; I had used it before but hadn’t been able to quite wrap my head …
Current Event
9 years ago+2 2 0Mozilla decides to introduce big changes, I hope it brings user back from Chrome
XUL is on the way out. New features will focus on being "uniquely Firefox."
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0Hi. An Avid Learner here. Please guide me how to use snapzu better
Hi All,
I am one of the immigrant from reddit. I had, and will continue, to use reddit to improve my self by subscribing to useful and helpful subreddits like getdisciplined, learnprogramming and learnart etc. I look forward to using snapzu for similar purposes and engage in productive discussion. Please help me by suggesting interesting tribes to join here.
Also, is there anything similar to askhistorians here? It's probably the one reason I wouldn't be able to quit on reddit any soon.
Cya around.
Edit: Forgot to add, this is a really beautifully done website. Great job!