• MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    Which brings us back to my initial comment. We are living the effects of "Climate Change" and they are minimal. No labs needed, no models, just observe, and consider the foundations of fraud, lies, alarmism, dire predictions from the past 30-40 years that are failed, many of which are outlined in my proffer: "Climate Models". (many more to be found elsewhere) No thoughtful person could possibly believe a science so bereft, yet so rich in shenanigans. All, or at least most, of us should be dead now according to the dire predictions of similar alarmist science of air and water pollution of the sixties and seventies. Many of the same faces had to abandon that B.S. science to embrace the next best alarmist thing.

    • kxh (edited 8 years ago)

      Clearly we won't agree on this. The world is heating up at an increasing rate. The science is in and it is clear and unequivocal. Of course there is an industry worth trillions of dollars at stake and that buys lots of clever PR to promote doubt.