Post Overview
Current Event
4 years ago+14 14 0Archaeologists Uncover a 1,300-Year-Old Skeleton of a Maya Diplomat
The remains revealed that the government official was wealthy as an adult, but he had a difficult childhood
5 years ago+14 14 0Can relate
5 years ago+14 14 0You Miss Every Shot You Don’t Take
You must be stretching your own limits and your own identity. You must be going beyond where you’ve currently been. Otherwise, you’re simply attempting to maintain and preserve your current status, station, or identity.
5 years ago+9 9 07 Ways You Can Earn More Backlinks in 2020
Looking to build your backlink profile, and improve your search rankings as a result? Check out these tips.
5 years ago+10 10 05 Shrewd Ways to Get Honest Feedback about Your Writing
Looking for ways to get honest feedback on your writing? Read this post to learn about five shrewd ways to receive honest feedback about your writing.
5 years ago+12 12 0How and Why to Build a Twitter Following While Unpublished
An unpublished writer describes how she built a five-figure Twitter following within a year, by helping other writers and engaging on a personal level
5 years ago+8 8 0Does Age Matter for Writers?
Hi Rachelle, I’m 62 and about to retire; I’m preparing to dedicate my retirement years to writing full-time. I wonder whether “age discrimination” would enter into my efforts to get published.
5 years ago+27 27 0 x 1Tasks
Do them today.
5 years ago+20 20 0Dreams
Having a dream is a great place to start.
5 years ago+13 13 0How I became a blogger and podcaster: Lauryn Evarts Bosstick
As the founder of The Skinny Confidential, Lauryn Evarts Bosstick is at the helm of a massive brand that includes a blog, a book and a podcast.
5 years ago+12 12 0How to Gain Customers and Influence People with Digital Storytelling
With modern technology, we can tell stories in unprecedented ways. Here's how you can gain, engage, and influence customers with digital storytelling.
5 years ago+18 18 0Dampened Spirit
5 years ago+20 20 0Same Old vs. Doing Things Differently
Less congestion is always a huge plus.
Current Event
5 years ago+39 39 0 x 1Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $572M for fuelling Oklahoma's opioid crisis
An Oklahoma judge has found Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries helped fuel the state's opioid drug crisis and ordered the consumer products giant to pay $572 million US to help address the problem.
5 years ago+13 13 0If you're not happy, change who you're listening to.
5 years ago+8 8 06 Rules to Pump Up Your Writing
When considering who gives out the best writing advice in the world, the first name that pops up might not be Arnold Schwarzenegger. But a decade ago, Schwarzenegger presented his “6 Rules of Success” in a now-famous commencement speech at the Univer ...
5 years ago+14 14 015 Grammar Rules It’s Okay to Break (Infographic)
Rules were made to be broken – just ask James Dean. But to be a grammar rebel, you have to understand the rules in the first place. How else do you know if you’re even breaking any?
5 years ago+10 10 0Unusual Writing Tips
There is nothing more annoying for a writer than reading a list of rules that another writer has come up with and feeling if you don’t comply with them, that somehow you are failure. It is even more annoying when you try them and they just don’t work ...
5 years ago+14 14 032 Unique Ways to Build Your Online Presence as a Freelancer
Ideas for building your online presence as a freelancer and getting that edge over your competition.
5 years ago+14 14 0Stop underestimating willpower
Last October I decided I would publish every Monday until the end of the year. I ended up publishing every week for 32 weeks in a row! Unfortunately a board meeting and hosting a conference back to back made me so busy that I broke my streak in May. ...