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Published 8 years ago by jmcs with 14 Comments

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  • Cheski

    The same argument goes for not letting me pick my own username. I like to make my username just as complex as my password. What I use to log in and what I use to interact with a site can be different.

    2FA(2 factor authentication) needs a wider adoption level as well. APIs like Authy make it very easy and very cheap to give your users an added level of security.

    While I'm on a security rant, websites that have me log in with my social security number... NO. Just NO. STAHP.

    • jmcs

      While I'm on a security rant, websites that have me log in with my social security number... NO. Just NO. STAHP.

      What kind of site does that?

      • Cheski

        I've seen it on sites for health care benefits and life insurance/retirement.

  • SirMiguelOrtiz

    Hold up, since when did websites block password managers? I've been using LastPass for a long time and I've had no problems with websites and the extension.

    • Cheski

      It happens. I use LastPass as well and I bump into it from time to time.

    • PushPull (edited 8 years ago)

      I'm with you. I can't think of any sites that I visit that outright block LastPass. I do get the occasional site that has a very odd log-in proceedure, requiring me to actually Cut/Paste from the LastPass vault, but only a couple are that way.

      Also, why the hell do the sites that practically scream for more security (I'm looking at you banking sites) NOT have 2FA?

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