9 years ago
Firefox Now Blocks Flash By Default
The Mozilla Firefox web browser now blocks Flash by default. And when I say “blocks,” I don’t mean it asks you nicely if you’d really like to use Flash. I don’t mean it automatically pauses Flash videos like Google Chrome. I mean Mozilla has decided that Flash is going down.
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@MarkSchmidty: BIG NEWS!! All versions of Flash are blocked by default in Firefox as of now.
@alexstamos: It is time for Adobe to announce the end-of-life date for Flash and to ask the browsers to set killbits on the same day.
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About bloody time. Flash chews through an amazing amount of CPU. I hear my laptop's fan ramp up and I know I have to restart Firefox because flash has somehow got around all the things I have put in place to stop it. HTML5 video? Hardly notice it. Uses hardly any CPU.