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Published 7 years ago by jerinoos with 7 Comments

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  • maelstorm

    They will find another ways to screw the middle class so they can cut taxes for the rich (tax reform)

  • Nelson

    Another win!???

    • leweb

      Define "win"?

      This is just a matter of how hard we're getting screwed by health insurance companies (as in "really hard" vs. "insanely hard"). I guess, yeah, it could have been worse, but not sure I'd call it a win. More like an authorization to use lube.

      • Gozzin

        Lube with a local anesthetic please.

  • KingLin

    That's because there is NO leadership. Thank God!

  • paddystacks

    What they said the last time. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a better result.

  • robmonk

    Every one of their proposed bills have been basically nothing less than an assault on the American people. And they had 8 years to think on it and figure it out. GOP is a joke.

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