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Published 6 years ago by jedlicka with 10 Comments

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  • rainyday

    And, of course, the cop who jumped the gun gets no punishment. This is exactly why this will keep going on. Other trigger happy cops can be rest assured down the road.

    • leweb

      Exactly. It is never the cop’s fault. These people are idiots and deserve to be jailed, but the one who pulled the trigger and actually murdered an innocent person walks away.

      • Appaloosa

        I'm generally not a big cop defender, and he fucked up and he should no longer have a gun for his job, but this internet wannabe caused this. Looking at this objectively, I would go after the caller, big time.

        • leweb

          Sure, not arguing that. He should go to prison for life in my opinion. But the cop is supposed to use his weapon responsibly, regardless of whether the assault is for a real or a bogus reason. If the SWAT attack was legitimate, we would be blaming the cop for irresponsibly killing an innocent. This is no different.

  • 3rdWheel

    This isn’t the first time Tyler SWAT’d someone. I hope he gets the punishment he deserves for all his previous crimes and this one too.

    • Appaloosa

      If this fuck ever did this to me, I would go Mexican Cartel on this prick, skin him alive, pull out his entrails and post it as a SWAT call.

      • 3rdWheel

        That’s....perhaps not the best response. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind.

      • Appaloosa

        And then I would go vote for Elizabeth Warren, for inclusion and all.

        • 3rdWheel

          This doesn’t make any sense. Are you trolling, or is there a joke I’m not getting?

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