• jcscher

    :) The rule does need to be looked at!

      @jcscher -

      It just needs rational interpretation, It states the fielder has the right to field any ball. He becomes an obstruction milliseconds after the ball passes or he catches it? Not the intent of the rule to my understanding. I have umped over a hundred games of high school, AAU ball and hundreds more of lesser age, as head and base ump. Made a handful of obstruction calls, only when the fielder had time to remove himself and made little or no effort. Never was I even questioned on those particular calls, or on any non-calls concerning precisely the situation presented here. It just takes common sense, rules can not give the right to the fielder then take it away because he did his job instantly thereafter.....Intent is of the essence, or the fielder has no right to even occupy the area considered the basepath.