• ColonBowel

    All the fear mongers that opposed this action will see how innocuous this restoration will be.

    I grew up in Miami in a Cuban family. I know this culture very well especially since that's what I knew for 18 years. My view is that right, wrong, better, oppressive, human rights, etc. has nothing to do with it. To the "Cuban-Exiles", this is about winning and payback. The guys that came in the 60's lost their upper-middle (for Cuba) class wealth and power or running away from persecution. They have yet to drop it. The guys that came in the 80s left due to frustration with the bureaucracy, corruption, and economic stagnation mixed with propaganda coming out of Miami. Those people seem much more idealistic, "Capitalism is right; communism is evil!" Either way, there is nothing for these people to see. It was never about that.