• AdelleChattre (edited 7 years ago)

    This one’s a doozy. Who would fall for this?

    In short, by trying to protect American workers by killing TPP, Trump may be actually hurting them by reducing the incentive for companies to create jobs here, says Chad Bown, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think tank with a favorable view towards trade.

    Yes, the Peterson Institute. Because they’re objective, outside observers.

    Specifically, the TPP could have established stringent labor and environmental laws in other countries that could have driven up the cost of labor there, thus making American workers more appealing.

    Yes, Hickory Dickory Dock, the cow could jump over the moon. The reason our neoliberal rulers contrived the TPP is to enshrine profit as the highest function of humanity. If that means outright slavery, then that’s what it means. If abolishing slavery could endanger ‘expected future profits’ and therefore be a ‘restraint on trade’ punishable under the TPP, I’m not clear how wage protections and safe working conditions are going to magically precipitate out of this solution. Except in facile disinformation polemics like this sorry effort.

    If the U.S. does not want to hold other countries accountable for better labor standards, another way to attract corporations to hire Americans would be to lower labor or regulatory standards at home.

    Black lung for America! Black lung for prosperity! Black lung… for freedom!

    The TPP essentially took NAFTA, the free-trade agreement among Canada, Mexico, and the United States that Trump called “the worst trade deal ever,” and added a whole bunch of countries, including Australia, Vietnam, Japan, and Malaysia.

    Because that’s not creepy?

    TPP’s not about trade. NAFTA’s not about trade. GATT wasn’t about trade. They’re about making multinational corporations the literal rulers of the Earth.

    • RoamingGnome

      Is that the new or old definition of literal?

      • AdelleChattre

        The correct definition. ‘Literal’ has no figurative meaning. I know it’s in dictionaries. People also think dolphins are fish. They’re wrong.

    • uSansSnoo

      Sadly, black lung IS still a thing in this country.