• MAGISTERLUDI (edited 9 years ago)

    Like those more frequent and intense hurricanes, or the ice loss in the Antarctic?

    There are a myriad of publications even from NASA itself previously touting the ice "loss" in the Antarctic. A finding of this nature (increased ice mass) is of extreme importance, but you won't easily find it on the NASA website, much less anywhere else............. Why?


    • imokruok

      I read something like this and I think: even with the healthy population of american climate change skeptics/deniers and a "myriad" of Jay Zwally's waffling research, your thoughtful consideration/whatever it is you think you scientifically know, consider this in your neighborhood. Who in their right mind would want to live in that? Sorry if my comment is unrelated to your snap and conversation, I just wanted to chime in.

    • jcscher (edited 9 years ago)

      That information was everywhere around the end of October and was posted on this site here. I take from your comment you are talking only about the hurricane season in the Atlantic? Look here.