9 years ago
11 Science Fiction Books That Are Regularly Taught in College Classes
We all learn a lot from reading science fiction books—not just the cool ideas, but also the fascinating thought experiments. But college professors often reach for classic science fiction when they’re planning classes on literature, society or philosophy. Here are 11 science fiction books that are often taught in college.
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I actually took a course in college called "Science Fiction as Intellectual History" - was one of my favorite courses that I took.
The first time I enjoyed reading was when my teacher made us read martian chronicles. From this day i've never stopped reading scifi and even started reading other genre. Thank you school. (Now reading "La horde du contrevent" by Damasio)
Need more Science-Fiction on my bookshelf, this list will sure come in handy.
I have not read all the books on this list,so I have added to my list too.