Post Overview
6 years ago+6 6 0Galactic Era: mine, build, battle, conquer in space
A browser based game inspired by Eve Online where you mine resources, build/upgrade/configure ships and modules, and use them to fight in pve/coop and potentially pvp. Players can join together to conquer planets and create a small empire. Join at h ...
9 years ago+1 1 0Code Happy - GlassDoor for software development
Inside look at how software is made at tech companies. Find out what a company is really like The Joel Test Automated Testing Philosophy Career Opportunities Work-Life Balance and more...
9 years ago+10 10 0DevDocs
DevDocs is an API documentation browser that combines 60+ docs in a single UI with offline mode, instant search, keyboard shortcuts, and more.
9 years ago+8 8 0Git doesn’t have to be so difficult to learn! However, for a variety of good reasons, it has been.
Over 30 tutorials on the use of Git to help you, step-by-step, in setting up git from scratch through dealing with the distributed environment. Each tutorial covers a specific topic so that later, after you have Git up and running, if you need to ref ...
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0[Question] When configuring feed filters, how are comment tiers determined?
When you click on the home icon and click the gear icon, you are presented with a list of filters which can be applied to your tribes feed. Just wondering what the options under Snap Comments mean.
Here's a quick gif showing what I mean.
Current Event
9 years ago+13 13 0The possible outcomes of a Yes and No vote in the Greek referendum
Planet Money's Episode 636 discusses the referendum in Greece, including interviews with economists and locals in Greece.
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0[Questions] What are contributions and tribe mastery?
When comparing profiles there level, xp, snaps, ect... is shown, but what is the contributions stat?
When looking at tribes in your profile, there's this bar to the left of the tribe logo which says "Tribe Mastery Score x/100" when hovered over. This appears to be different than tribe level since /t/politics/ is level 7 but has a score of 0/100, yet /t/ideasforsnapzu is level 3 with a score of 2/100.
Text Post
9 years ago+1 1 0[Features] Add Text posts to user profile page
Currently when visiting a user's profile page you see
- Level/Rep
- Snaps
- Following
- Followers
- Tribes
Can text posts be added as a clickable field to display all text posts the user has created?
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0[Features] Allow text posts to be pinned
Currently only snaps can be pinned, but there could be a great discussion with info I want to remember or save for later and pin it
9 years ago+3 3 0John Papa's community driven Angular Style Guide
Angular Style Guide: A starting point for Angular development teams to provide consistency through good practices. Some of the items covered include: formatting code, angular and javascript best practices, app structure, handling dependencies, testin ...
Text Post
9 years ago+6 6 0Where should bugs be submitted? Is there an official bug tracker?
Came across a few items the snapzu team should be aware of, but not sure of the proper method of communication for such things.
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0[Features] Make the page title the same as the discussion title
Looks like this is the case for normal link submissions, but for text posts the page title is the name of the tribe it's being posted to. I tend to open several tabs at once, and seeing "/t/ideasforsnapzu - Home" on 5 tabs is not helpful.
Text Post
9 years ago+5 5 0[Feature] Add view statistics for snaps and tribes
I'd like to see more statistics visible for snap authors and tribe chiefs. Since a snap can be posted in multiple tribes, as an author I'd like to see number of views and potentially have that broken down by which tribe they came from.
In a similar vein, as a chief I'd like to see total and unique hits to my tribe. Not everyone engages in discussion or votes on submissions, so displaying number of views would be helpful to see how large (or small) an audience the tribe has.
9 years ago+24 24 0 x 3Learn Git Branching
Interactive git tutorial that exposes user to entering git commands in a terminal and seeing the changes to the repository in a visual manner. Each of the 30 levels explain the concept being shown and instruct the user on how to accomplish the goals
Text Post
9 years ago+7 7 0Where is the Snapzu introductory tour?
The Reputation & XP: A guide to Leveling on Snapzu post mentions the following.
Completing Initial Tour Users that are level 5 and under can still take the Snapzu introductory tour that outlines some of the site's most basic features. All users that complete the 6 step tour earn a nice and welcoming 200 XP.
I haven't been able to find a link to start this tour, can someone post the link or how to access it?
9 years ago+1 2 1AiA Episode 49: Line of Business Applications and Developers with Deborah Kurata
Adventures in Angular episode 49 discusses what line of business applications are and how they're built with Angularjs.
Text Post
9 years ago+10 10 0Is this the tribe to ask questions regarding use of Snapzu?
I'll post my question here, but let me know if there's a better place to do so.
I just created a tribe and made my first post to it, but it when it asked for "What are you publishing?" it listed Unspecified without a way for me to edit it. Is this the post type or category? Can it be changed?
9 years ago+1 2 1AiA Episode 48: The Road to NG2
Adventures in Angular episode 48 discusses how to quickly get started with Angular 2, ES5/6, TypeScript, tooling, and general direction of the future of application development in the browser.
Text Post
9 years ago+9 9 0The journey begins once again
As with many others, I've come here from Reddit. My journey began with Fark, which led me to Digg, and when that site imploded, I came to Reddit. Now that it seems Reddit is faltering, I'm exploring alternatives.
Snapzu has promising new features, which I hope will help foster a great community that I can be part of.
Hello to you all.