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Published 8 years ago by imokruok with 9 Comments

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  • GeniusIComeAnon

    This would explain a lot for me. I had severe depression for six months and moderate depression for about a year after and I ended up having little lesions on my brain that caused a slew of medical issues for about a year.

    • imokruok

      How were the lesions discovered if you don't mind me asking? (if you do, I totally understand)

      • GeniusIComeAnon

        I was having a number of unusual symptoms and none of the doctors could find a diagnosis. A CAT scan was one of the many tests given. They find a few lesions on the left frontal lobe and thought they might have been the cause of the problems.

        • imokruok

          Thanks for sharing. I hope you were able to get adequate and affordable care. Best wishes.

  • Gozzin

    I've known people who have had bouts of depression. I do wonder if a person goes for a long time without being depressed, does the problem correct itself?

    • imokruok

      Yes. The brain is plastic. With the appropriate individualized treatment plan the damage caused by depression can be reversed. According to Professor Hickie, "The hippocampus is one of the most important regenerative areas of the brain."

    • meowmixxed

      I'd imagine. Neuroplasticity man. It's kind of like healing from a concussion, I'd imagine. Having multiple concussions and multiple deep dark depressions, they feel similar.

  • Kayzaks

    As if a Depression wasn't bad enough. A clear sign that our Brains hate us. "Feeling Down? Let me kick you a bit"

  • uncornrage

    Wow. I've been depressed for ~15 years, and for the last years I've felt that my brain doesn't function as well as it used to.
    Reading that depression causes concrete physical damage to the brain is really reassuring. As in, it's very hard to just "cheer up" or “give yourself a kick in the rear”, when it's actual damage to your brain that is making everything harder. Only proper treatment can reverse the damage.

    I've always kind of thought that maybe I am just a miserable failure who lacks the skills and strenght to survive in life, and that's just how it is, and nothing's going to change that. This made me realize that I might not be doomed to be just that, that I have actual condition that makes my life harder, and it can possibly be fixed.

    So I guess some kind of therapy might work for reversing the damage?

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