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  • How-to
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Three slightly unusual ways to enjoy watermelon this summer.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +8 8 0


    Like many of you, I'm from reddit. I still use reddit quite a bit, of course, but I'm branching out, because it seems the place is shifting in a direction that may not be to my liking. Anyway.

    I tried eerrii for a bit, but it appears to have died. I've never even been able to load Voat. Snapzu seems much more polished and well established, so this is where I'm attempting to pitch my tent, if you will.

    About me: I'm a graphic designer/creative director by trade. I write/produce/record music. I'm an avid explorer, lover of food and drink, and I like to laugh at stupid things.

    Also, like you, I love cats.