• StarFlower

    Even if Coke was water-neutral I still would not drink coke (or any sodas). Partly for health reasons - it's basically sugar water with flavoring i.e. empty calories. It doesn't come with other nutrients. Partly I avoid it also for economic reasons - I don't like that cane sugar and corn syrup are subsidized. I try to have as little sugar as possible for that reason, because basically the government is paying $ out to these farmers to ruin our health, I have trouble seeing it any other way.

    Whether health reasons or other reasons, I think more and more people are avoiding sugary drinks, regardless of whether the manufacturer is water-neutral or not.

    • Gozzin

      the government is paying $ out to these farmers to ruin our health, I have trouble seeing it any other way.

      You mean you can see it any other way!?