• StarFlower

    A very interesting and well-thought-out article, but containing a few omissions. I agree that no-one should have to put up with trolls. However, the reporter doesn't really seem to distinguish between platforms that allow users to block and report trolls (e.g. Twitter), versus ones that don't (e.g. comments sections on news sites). Related to that, I would have liked to see more attention put on the idea that instead of ignoring trolls, we can block them so that we never have to deal with them - this only applies to platforms which allow that, of course. I do agree we shouldn't put up with trolls, but I feel like also, it's partly in the interests of the platform to have a zero-tolerance policy for trolls. Otherwise the types of legitimate users the platform is seeking will simply disappear because they don't want to be bothered with seeing hate speech. I see also that there are difficult areas of what constitutes trolling versus someone just saying their opinion (a difficult topic, but relevant, and one that wasn't even touched on in the article).

    Overall, I don't like trolling and hate speech to the point that I won't read articles from certain news sites because of the hateful mentality of some of the people in the comments sections. My attitude is: "If people like that are hanging out here, I don't want any part of this". There are plenty of news sites with no comments sections; I gravitate toward those instead. I don't go on any social media platform where people are likely to rant (no Facebook for me!) Do I feel for a minute like I'm "missing out?" No way. I feel like I'm doing a good job protecting my mental health and being a good friend to myself first and foremost. If I'm not using certain platforms, ultimately I feel that is the platform's loss and not mine.

    • Gozzin

      I agree and I take the same stance.I have better things to do with my time than to read toxic nonsense spouted by a troll.

      • StarFlower

        Exactly! I love how you put it "better things to do with my time".... I think that people don't always think that it's more than just the fact of trolls being toxic and annoying, it's also a time thing; we all have better things to do with our time.