iamdavid's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    Angry orchard hop'n mad apple. Just found it recently, it's pretty tasty and doesn't screw up my bathroom time the next day like my whiskey does.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    In browsing snapzu today i came across the announcement about Ellen Pao leaving reddit. She may have resigned but the site will not change. The hive-mind of reddit can do great things like raising money for people in need and participating in the largest ever gift exchange, spreading happiness and generosity to many people. However, they can also be horrible people who will say and do the most heinous things behind the mask of anonymity. Many have already forgotten the horrible things that Ellen Pao and her husband have done (false lawsuits and ponzi schemes) and some out of the loop mouth breathers are actually wishing her well in her future endeavors. The rally to boycott the site today (july 10th) has died and been all but forgotten. The rally that was supposed to not just be about Victoria and santa and cancer guy, but also about the horrible way the site has been run and the big changes that would potentially destroy the community. I made the mistake of checking the front page. Not one mention of the no reddit day rally or anything. Just 4 karmawhores trying to capitalize on the news of her resignation and a bunch of the same old crap. Original and informative content is frequently downvoted or scrolled past while waves of the same tired jokes and memes get reposted to the ever drooling delight of the neckbeard army. It has been speculated by many that the board of directors used Ellen Pao as a shill to do all the dirty work and make the unfavorable decisions and changes to the site so that it will be ripe for purchase or other monetization. All of this will be forgotten by the goldfish like memory of the community since they believe their stand was actually victorious in causing her resignation. Gold is being purchased by the truckload and I'm sure the site is getting traffic that could rival that of superbowl sunday. It's like a play by play of a public relations 101 course. Dangle a carrot in front of the rabbit while you skin him from behind. I could have made the effort to post this rant on reddit but the truth is i just don't care anymore. This post would have dwindled away in r/new only to be downvoted for the sake of someone else's repost advancement to the front page. I'm done with that site and i look foward to watching it burn to the ground from my comfy new seat here at snapzu.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    BXX-919 was the license plate number on my mom's white oldsmobile when she owned it. That was probably 20 years ago. I also have no idea what my current license plate number is.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement iamfuturamafry

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations iamfuturamafry on this achievement!

    +1320 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    The article seems more like it is describing something that this technology could possibly be used for, not something that has been even tested yet. It did mention the repair would be "almost invisible". It also says "your next cell phone might have a self repairing screen" then it says the tech is about 5 years out from possibly being implemented on some phones. Classic clickbait article with very limited factual info. My question about this would be, how much of the material need to be made of these little balls of repair fluid? Would the integrity of the parent material be affected? After they crack once are they used up so any future cracking in that same area would not heal itself? What if the crack that forms does not burst one of these little repair capsules? Does the fluid in them have a shelf life or does it discolor?

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up iamfuturamafry

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up iamfuturamafry

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    Great idea

  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    Seriously stop. This isn't reddit.

    Posted in: me irl

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement iamfuturamafry

    Rock Star

    Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations iamfuturamafry on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Level Up iamfuturamafry

    Level 2

    iamfuturamafry is now level 2 with 1,410 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    If someone tries to create /t/circlejerk I really hope no one joins or contributes to that crap. I always hated that part of reddit.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment iamfuturamafry

    I just migrated as well. All we can do to keep the quality of this place is to lead by example and leave all the reddit stuff behind. Don't downvote brigade, don't use reddit references (Op is a bundle of sticks, m'lady, karma, etc.), embrace the new terminology, and to quote bill and ted "Be excellent to eachother!"

  • 9 years ago
    Text Post iamfuturamafry

    Reddit refugee here! no one had to pay for me to have access to the lounge!

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