+30 +1
The Uniqueness of the Human Writer
The fiction writer designs a plot, characters, and detail in order to create an intended effect or meaning. The best a bot can do is scramble for pre-existing literary patterns and throw something together. Its “creativity” depends on the massive collection of human-made content.
+21 +1
The Magic of the Blackboard
Why scientists can’t quit chalk, even in the digital age.
+30 +1
Sam Anderson on writing and drawing - Austin Kleon
The thing that unites good writing and good drawing — authentic writing and authentic drawing — is the exploratory line.
+33 +1
Tiny dolls appeared in their mailbox with a note, ‘We’ve decided to live here’
Nearly a year later, the dolls are still there, now with items including furnishings and a service dog, all mysteriously appearing under cover of night.
+15 +1
A more original bio on your dating profile makes you seem smarter, funnier, and more attractive, study finds
An analysis of 308 dating profiles revealed that people who show originality in their bios are seen as more intelligent and more funny, and in turn, more attractive. Original profile bios tended to contain more self-disclosure and more stylistic features like metaphors. These findings were published in the journal PLOS One.
+14 +1
What Kind of Angel: On Percy Shelley
Shelley saw himself as a conduit for the electricity of the universe.
+16 +1
Smoking Weed Doesn’t Make You More Creative, Study Finds.
An age-old cannabis stereotype, possibly as old as the herb itself, may have just been unlit.
+3 +1
Here's How She-Hulk's Head Writer Hilariously Smashed Every Internet Troll
"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" wrapped up its first season, going full comic book mode with Jen Walters (Tatiana Maslany) confronting the Marvel Studios writers to get a better ending. Throughout its season, "She-Hulk" never shied away from telling it like it is, giving an authentic female perspective of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
+1 +1
Imaginal Thinking
We think differently, thinking in images around us or thinking in letters of the mother tongue or the second language, and so on. The Thinking Mind The mind is a fusion of information-processing cycles, it is an informational force, and also the mind has mental manifestations that we can knowingly experience our minds in thinking, memory, learning, and problem-solving using images or sounds. Thinking is about logically seeing the evidence. Our minds can do so by either verbal visualization or image visualization. Thinking is a continuous mental process of ideas in form of images or sounds.....
+6 +1
How do you write a captivating thriller? This author found clues in the woods
Growing up, thriller author Megan Miranda spent time at her grandparent's house in the Poconos. There wasn't any cell service — it was just her and her family out there in the woods, cut off from society. "During the day, it would be this grand adventure," recalls Miranda. "But at night I would just stare out into the darkness thinking, 'what is out there?' "
+19 +1
How Naps Can Jump-Start Your Creativity
When you're staring at a blank page, trying to figure out where to start a project, or where to take the next scene of a novel, you may find that the best way to get your creative mojo back is to take a nap.
+10 +1
How To Write Realistic Sex Scenes (pt.1)
Firstly, let’s make something clear. This tutorial is about writing sex scenes in fiction NOT writing erotica. This tutorial is about writing sex scenes within regular fiction (leaning, as usual, more towards fantasy fiction).
+26 +1
Better Than Perfect: How to Be Excellent
Exploring the difference between perfectionism and excellencism.
+11 +1
11 Key Strategies to Aid Creativity and Productivity
Creativity and productivity are two concepts that are not easy to combine. After all, we think of productivity as something dull, consistent, and stodgy, while creative people are thought to be free-spirited and hard to control. However, by applying principles that allow you to explore your team’s creative talents while focusing on getting things done, you can enjoy a high rate of productivity with creative end results that work.
+16 +1
Now is Your Time As a Creator To Start a Brand
Build a media company that one day can sell a product or service. But most important, serve the ones that are interested in your ideas.
+19 +1
Why You're Not Doing Creative Work
And how to start again even if you don't have time
+25 +1
Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good.
Insurance for your mind.
+14 +1
Tired of procrastinating? To overcome it, take the time to understand it
Procrastination isn’t shameful or a character flaw. Instead it’s rooted in a very human need: the need to feel competent and worthy, says educator Nic Voge.
+11 +1
Steve Blank I Can’t See You but I’m Not Blind
If I ask you to think of an elephant do you see an elephant in your head when you close your eyes? I don’t. Regardless of how descriptive the imagery, story or text I can’t create any pictures in m…
+14 +1
Writing books is hard. Why do authors do it?
You can't drink writing or wear writing to keep you warm. It doesn't make good firewood, nor does it keep the rain out of your tent. What's the point?
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