10 years ago
Why Europeans Don't Refrigerate Their Eggs
British supermarkets don't refrigerate eggs. The breakfast food can be found hanging out between the canned vegetables and boxes of dry cake mix in the grocery store aisle with other traditionally nonperishable foods. This surprised me since in the U.S., eggs are typically found in the refrigerated dairy aisle with the butter, cheeses, and milk. So what's the deal? Why doesn't anyone in the U.K. freak out over eggs sitting in room temperatures for days on end?
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still seems gross.
From the article: ""There is also a suggestion that not allowing cleaning eggs in the EU might help maintain good farm husbandry and practices," said Mark Fielder, a professor at London’s Kingston University and medical microbiology expert."
This is what we need more of. Less Food Inc type of horror stories and more ethics in our food production.
I agree. But in America,ethics lose out to a quick buck every time.