8 years ago
Government accused of 'full-frontal attack' on whistleblowers
Outcry follows plans to radically increase prison terms for revealing state secrets and prosecute journalists. The government’s legal advisers have been accused of launching a “full-frontal attack” on whistleblowers over proposals to radically increase prison sentences for revealing state secrets and prosecute journalists. Downing Street believes a major overhaul of existing secrecy legislation is necessary because it has become outdated in a digital age when government employees can easily disclose vast amounts of sensitive information.
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So they want to be like the US.
If they don't have anything to hide, what's the problem with whistleblowers? It's the same argument they use to justify spying on everyone. Except, the government is supposed to be accountable to the people.
Thanks God for whistleblowers who bring out not just the fact that our governments, the ones who are there to serve our interests as citizens, are actually spying on us, but any other violation of power that government, again elected by us not to dictate as they please but to look after our needs. And thank you for the journalists who break those news. This attempt to eliminate the freedom of the press is nothing original as it was already used by the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s.