• Maternitus

    During the first year and a half of covid I took several LSD trips and one mushroom trip. They changed my life for the better, even over a year after my last spiritual travel, the effects are noticeable, as in: can deal with solitude, have no depressive periods anymore, sleep better, have dealt with several emotional issues (like feeling a constant wrath and even hatred towards people from my past), started living day by day, can be compassionate without being emotionally attached to others and so on. Really groundbreaking, because some of those issues couldn't be solved in any other way. Trust me, I tried the talks to psychologists and therapies, they sorta worked, but they were very short term and not constructive.

    Painting has changed and is still the most important thing in my life, but I sense colours a bit different and have an urge for contrast, brightness and abstraction. The latter can better be described as: I am daring more loose strokes and am able to disengage from that utterly crazy obsession with detail. It's still there, but the admiration of trying to create illusions of detail starts to get a hold of me.

    My love-life is still a bit lacking (no money, no honey), but I sense that I can be open for affection, but then the same thing goes for regular friendships: they feel better and more meaningful. I even work on them, as in: visiting friends more, getting them over more and even make new friends. I was never socially deprived, but I hardly opened up, always a wall of much talking to distract from that innerself. Now I show feelings more and talk more about the things that are on my mind. Not just the silly talks or goofiness, but about things that I care about. My friends all like that, so it seems and that's very okay.

    I can't say that I would advise such self-therapy to anyone, but people who have the same sort of things in their life could always consider such a route. :-)

    • Gozzin

      I had group therapy and it made a profound difference in my life and the effects are still with me. I had a chance to take lSD years ago,but had no one I trusted to be my guide,so I gave it a miss..Anyway,your experience has been profound and I am glad you are in a better place.

      • Maternitus (edited 2 years ago)

        Everybody is different and everybody also has different ways to heal or improve. It's good to read that you have good experiences with group therapy and that it gave you what you needed. :-)