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Published 7 years ago by hedman with 3 Comments
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  • kxh

    This is what the gun debate is really about. Profits for the gun industry.

    • AdelleChattre

      Oops, that's it. The word 'debate' has just lost whatever last mote of meaning there may've still been left in it. You know, what with the abortion debate, the evolution debate, the hygiene debate... From here on in, if you use 'debate' in this sense you do so knowing fully well that you may's well've used that great other euphemism for resolute, defiant stupidity, "The Controversy." There's not even a gun debate among Democrats. The giveaway? The pinnacle of Congressional Democratic grandstanding on this, which leaderership right on down the line fought for all the way to staging civilly disobedient protests by members on the floor of the House, was no-guns-for-anyone-on-the-civil-liberties-waking-nightmare-called-The-No-Fly-List. This position was not meant to highlight the gross malfeasance of duty that is the No Fly List. It was because there's no such thing as a gun debate. Kinda like there's no silverware debate, no matter what blasphemy that is to God's plan for fingers.

  • NotWearingPants

    Blaming gun manufacturers for gun violence is like blaming silverware manufacturers for making people fat.

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