9 years ago
The US should mandate gun insurance so the two monoliths fight to the death
Most of the time, if you act fearless enough and choose your battles wisely, the majority of schoolyard bullies can be faced down. But I learned as an out-of-the-closet gay teen in south Georgia in the early 1980s that some bullies are just too big to fight.
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What universe does this guy live in where gang bangers and crack heads line up to insure their guns? Oh, they're not going to insure their weapons? Well, what's the point then?
How about we stop looking for ways to give private companies more of our money?
Why not? They insure their cars, don't they? Nobody said "We shouldn't have auto insurance, because the gangbangers and crackheads won't obey the law". In fact, if we created laws based off of what was acceptable to gangsters, we'd have a very scary society indeed.