• hallucigenia (edited 8 years ago)

    because we are human, it's a hard fact that animals are different from us, they are inferior.

    Animals aren't different from us; we are animals. I agree that other animals are inferior to humans as far as intellect goes, but they are superior in other ways: cheetahs are faster, hawks can see farther, and so on.

    But just because an animal is mentally inferior to me, I don't think that's a good argument for torturing and/or killing it. A mentally-handicapped person or a baby is mentally inferior to me, and I don't have the right to torture or kill them.

    we can't go on to feel for animals or plants.

    Not only can we, we do. Lots of people love cats and dogs and would no more think of hurting them than they would another person. Think about how outraged people get when they hear about a cat being tortured or dogs being killed for food. Hell, a lot of people react the same as if it were a human being!