• hallucigenia

    On another note. I run across an interesting post about Outside Agitators 206.

    I'm no expert, but I thought that "Outside Agitators 206" was just a faction within Black Lives Matter. (These kind of things can get confusing really fast.)

    While she might have legitimate concerns, it's being done the wrong way.

    I keep hearing that, and perhaps you're right. I can't think of a better way she could've done it, though. Sanders refused to listen to Black Lives Matter before. They did not reach out to BLM at all, as far as I know. Moreover, she was successful in her stated goal: Sanders now has a racial justice plank in his platform, which was put up on his website soon after the Seattle debacle.

    The question is: Is it worth all of the damage done with white liberals? I'm not sure, but I think that if something like this causes you to quit caring about black lives, then you were never a serious ally in the first place.

    • APMan

      I'm not sure what would be appropriate to get your message out. I do think you should have respect, some respect for the politician you are trying to get your message to. The fact that Bernie is the only candidate being targeted seems bizarre. The message I thought was for a major overhaul of law enforcement operations.

      • hallucigenia

        The fact that Bernie is the only candidate being targeted seems bizarre.

        He's the easiest to target, and the most receptive to their message. It's all there in the interview.