Post Overview
10 years ago+2 2 0The Guru Jay: Review of X-Men: Days of Future Past SPOILER ALERT
Review of X-Men: Days of Future Past SPOILER ALERT! Is this installment of X-Men the best ever? Is it a must-see family friendly film? Overall, how was the movie? What is the plot, theme and message? Starring Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawr ...
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0Spill the Coffee Beans: Why Coffee is Popular in Movies ~ The Guru Jay
Spill the Coffee Beans: Why Coffee is Popular in Movies- Why is coffee popular in movies? Pulp Fiction, Green Hornet and Bucket List coffee scenes. Coffee in movies is common for a variety of reasons. Read insightful thoughts from Guru Jay at The Gur ...
Current Event
10 years ago0 1 1I'm Too Sexy For My: Who Are the Highest Paid Supermodels?
I'm Too Sexy for My...Who Are the Highest Paid Supermodels? How much did Candice Swanepoel make? Find informative entertainment on The Guru Jay blog. Come see what everyone is talking about. Follow on Twitter.
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0 x 1The Guru Jay: 7 Lucky Ways Celebrities Make Money
7 Lucky Ways Celebrities Make Money...Written By: Guru Jay On The Guru Jay Blog. How do celebrities earn a living? What ways to celebrities cash in on their fame? Which products do celebrities endorse?
Current Event
10 years ago0 1 1The Guru Jay: Who's Hot? 30 Hottest Hollywood Starlets Under 30 + Photos And Video
Guess who's hot in Hollywood? The 30 Hottest Hollywood Starlets Under 30. Featuring Photos and Video. Hilary Duff is number 4. See who gets the top rank and more. Blake Lively kicks off the list. Come join the fun!
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0The Guru Jay: Celebrity Rag Riches- The Clothing Line Empires of Jessica Simpson, Diddy, Kimora Lee Simmons, Mary Kate And Ashley Olsen Plus More
Celebrity Rag Riches- The Clothing Line Empires of Nicole Richie, Rachel Zoe, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, Victoria Beckham, Diddy, Jay-Z, Jessica Simpson, Kimora Lee Simmons, Mary Kate And Ashley Olsen, Celebrities Most Wanted List, top ten
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10 years ago0 1 1Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos |
StumbleUpon is the easiest way to discover new and interesting web pages, photos and videos across the Web.
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0Funny Show Business: Crazy Antics Make Mad Money
Funny Show Business: Crazy Antics Make Mad Money from The Guru Jay Blog. Guru Jay writes a sizzling hot piece about the future of entertainment. Funny Show Business is a term he created to describe the current state of celebrity affairs. Go to The Gu ...
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0The Guru Jay: Who's Watching? Daytime Talk Vs. Late Night TV Shows
Who's watching Daytime Talk and Late Night Television? Daytime Talk Hosts Vs. Late Night TV Shows. Where does Ellen rank? Who's subject to cancellation? What's on the schedule? How has Oprah influenced Hollywood Stars? Let's compa ...
10 years ago+1 2 1The Guru Jay: 21 Love Quotes, Song Lyrics, and Movie Lines VIDEO
21 Love Quotes, Love Song lyrics, Romantic Love Movie Lines...Music, Movies, and more quotes about relationships. Feautring musical artists, actors and other celebrities. Celebrate love with quotes, love songs, and movie lines on video set to music.. ...
10 years ago+1 1 0Jackie Chan 64,000 Chopsticks Artist 6oth Birthday
Artist creates artwork using 64,000 chopsticks depicting Jackie Chan's face. It's a must-see! Short Cool Video
10 years ago+4 4 0Top 50 Celebrities Around the World In Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood, Chollywood and Zollywood plus Bonus Material
Top 50 Celebrities Around the World
10 years ago+1 2 1LeBron James
LeBron James is a physical freak. He is the best basketball player of his generation.
10 years ago+1 2 111 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You To Take Action
Moonshine Jungle Tour 2014 tickets and more info: Available now on iTunes! Connect with Bruno: http://www.facebook.c ...
10 years ago+2 2 0The Guru Jay: 21 Love Quotes, Song Lyrics & Movie Lines
21 Love Quotes, Song Lyrics and Movie Lines. Read an informative and entertaining piece about love. Guru Jay blogs about what matters to You. You will find a comfortable place to relax.
10 years ago+2 2 0The Guru Jay: Part 2: 33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham
Part 2: 33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham. Which celebrities are vegan? Who won't be eating Easter Ham? List to follow. Find out who. Information. Entertainment.
Current Event
10 years ago+1 2 1The Guru Jay: How To Be Healthy Like Katy Perry And Fit As LeBron James
How To Be Healthy Like Katy Perry And Fit As LeBron James...What does it take to look like Katy Perry and have the strength of basketball superstar LeBron James? Find this out and more by reading Guru Jay's blog.
10 years ago+1 1 0The Guru Jay: 33 Motivational Quotes, Photos and Videos
33 Motivational Quotes, Photos, and Videos. This will inspire you to take action. Go after your dreams. Keep on going. It's alright to fail. Don't worry be happy. Lift your spirits. Never give up. Here is some motivation!
10 years ago+1 1 0Imported Vs. Exported TV Shows
Imported Vs. Exported TV Shows. Popular television shows originating in other countries. Also, popular tv shows made in the USA. List includes Sherlock, Orphan Black, 24, Shark Tank and Dr. Who. Here is a fun and interesting read with a busload of i ...
Current Event
10 years ago+1 1 0Begin Again: Music + Movies = Success
The Official Begin Again movie trailer has been released. On July 4, Independence Day fireworks on the silver screen. Summer Box Office contender Begin Again. Breaking News. Awesome cast. Wonderful talent of singers, actors and musicians. Must-see!