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Published 8 years ago by grandtheftsoul with 5 Comments

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  • leweb

    Another one for the WTF archives.

    • Gozzin

      So true..Homophobes strike again!

      • leweb

        This is not just homophobia. It's more like 40% homophobia, 60% stupidity.

        Actually that's redundant. Let's just call it 100% stupid.

        • Gozzin

          Ah..I do like the way you think.

  • RoamingGnome

    "which is against the law in the east African country and can be punished by life imprisonment."

    One sure way to cure a man of homosexuality is to throw him into prison with a bunch of other men. It's these kinds of laws and whatnot that make me scoff at the concept of "authority".

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