8 years ago
Tanzania has just banned lube to 'curb homosexuality'
The Tanzanian government has banned the import and sale of sexual lubricants as part of a sustained crackdown on the country's LGBT+ community. "It is true that the government has banned the importation and use of the jelly to curb the spread of HIV," Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu told local media. He said that lubricant encourages homosexuality, which is against the law in the east African country and can be punished by life imprisonment.
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Another one for the WTF archives.
So true..Homophobes strike again!
This is not just homophobia. It's more like 40% homophobia, 60% stupidity.
Actually that's redundant. Let's just call it 100% stupid.
Ah..I do like the way you think.
"which is against the law in the east African country and can be punished by life imprisonment."
One sure way to cure a man of homosexuality is to throw him into prison with a bunch of other men. It's these kinds of laws and whatnot that make me scoff at the concept of "authority".