9 years ago
Police use FitBit to charge woman for lying about her rape
A WOMAN who claimed she was raped by a stranger when sleeping at her boss’s house has been caught fibbing by her own FitBit. Jeannine Risley, 43, has been criminally charged after she told police she was sexually assaulted at knifepoint by an intruder while she was staying at her employer’s home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in March.
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I think the part that bothers me the most about the article is that she was "caught fibbing". A Fib is an "unimportant lie". Her lie wasn't unimportant. She could have easily pointed the finger at pretty much anyone with a cock and they would spend the rest of their natural life behind bars. All due to a 'fib'.
No, she filed a false police report and should go to jail for it. The Fitbit is only incidental to the story since there would be a number of other ways to determine that she was lying- including a rape kit.