• ttubravesrock

    If he can get six measures to clean up corruption and collusion done, I will be happy.
    I'm not so sure about his actions to protect American workers. I will need to do more research.
    His actions to restore security and constitutional law could go well, depending on who is interpreting the Constitution. I don't agree with all of his acts, but most of them are a mixed bag where I agree with part of the act. For example, I'm fine with the idea of "Repeal and Replace Obamacare." But not with more insurance options. We need to get rid of health insurance in general. You can't fix the problem of health care costs without eliminating insurance and moving to single-payer. I'm fine with the idea of "End Illegal Immigration Act" but a wall is a stupid plan. The penalties sound fine. The Restoring Community Safety Act sounds encouraging because it focuses on violent crimes instead of drug offenses. Hopefully this can reduce our prison population. The Affordable Childcare and Elder Care Act sounds like a straight up liberal program. The National Security Act is worded such that I don't really know what he's talking about, so I'll withhold judgement on it for now.