• Gozzin (edited 7 years ago)

    I did not know this..I think it's hilarious! @#)$$berg is already a honking *billionaire many times over! Why in the world does he even need to do this? Is he just a control freak,or what? facebook is selling your information to companies without your permission,trying to track every person on Earth, even if they have never used his vile service. (I don't ) and selling companies' ads to you. So he gets to double dip and you get forced to look at ads. Anytime a company tells me to turn off my ad blocker,I leave and never look at their website again. So they miss out on extra views since I don't share links to their site. Only a small percentage of peeps use an ad blocker. I've used one since before it was cool to use one and no one said a word. As I've said many times,It's my computer and no one has a right to turn my browser into a billboard. They should set up ads like they do on tv,where the powers that be get paid regardless of if people see the stupid things or not, but nooooo. The advertising industry wants to remove your freedom to control your own computer . Not happening here.