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Published 9 years ago by geoleo with 4 Comments

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  • RedditExodus

    Yeah, I haven't messed around with Uber at all but I hate getting taxis after the last time I had to use them here.

    First the dispatch sent a car to small for our group (5 people), which could have been our fault. The problem I had was when we tried to get a ride back the car dispatch sent took ages and any other cab we tried to hail (it was at a casino attached to a movie theater so there were plenty) wouldn't dare take us the 5 mile/15 min ride.

    By the time our cab driver came he said it was probably because no one wanted to take a fair where they were probably going to be empty on the way back.

  • scp440

    I feel an impending doom coming for Uber. Its just too easy, simple, cost effective, and supports local people.... very contrary to our current economic system that our government encourages. I can totally see the powers that be getting lobbied to do away with Uber under the guise of 'Personal Safety and regulation'.

  • Dernhelm

    Things are always changing. If people were up in arms when cars were invented we may still be in horse and buggies. Progress is going to eliminate some jobs but hopefully improve societies lives as a whole. I am glad that uber is forcing these taxi services to reevaluate their business model

    • FamousFellah

      Uber has the potential to bring progress without killing jobs. People are still getting paid to provide rides, it's just that now there are new companies offering that service. What's stopping a cabbie from quitting his job to be an Uber or Lyft driver?

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