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Published 8 years ago by geoleo with 3 Comments

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  • Maternitus

    When this works, we could see serious changes in space travel. About damn time we go beyond the moon. :-)

  • kxh

    It uses electromagnetic waves as 'fuel', creating thrust by bouncing microwave photons back and forth inside a cone-shaped closed metal cavity. This causes the 'pointy end' of the EM Drive to accelerate in the opposite direction that the drive is going.

    Not a great explanation. Doesn't make any sense to me. What direction is the opposite direction that the drive is going? Does the pointy end move in the opposite direction from the drive? What? It falls apart?

  • AdelleChattre

    There has to be a way to make a quick buck on people's desperation to think this will work, despite every indication showing otherwise. I've gotta start hanging out in more bars.

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