• septimine

    I think that's the danger. If I can't watch TV without being forced to interact with ads, I just won't. TV is less and less interesting to me right now anyway, and most stuff I just don't care if I see live anyway. It's probably easier to go and get a DVD out of redbox or use some other method to get out of seeing the ads altogether. I'm already not into smart TVs spying on me, I don't want XBOXone because the whole idea of a device that listens to what I'm saying and can either be hacked or "updated" into collecting personal data is just creepy.

    I don't want my devices forcing me to love companies or spying on me. My private space is private. I don't want you to know, and I won't opt in to doing these things. I think sooner or later there's going to be a huge backlash against Big Brother here. I can't be the only one that's not wanting to be forced to love a product or have people know my secrets. Not like my secrets are dirty or even interesting, but I don't want everyone to know that.