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Published 9 years ago by geoleo with 9 Comments
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  • NotWearingPants

    Listening to the wrong people.

    • iSpeekEngrish

      That's because Harper only considers his corporate paymasters as Canadians. The rest of us are just indentured serfs.

      And how can he fulfill his dream of having a private, for-profit prison industry like the US when you legalize things like marijuana? Will no one think of the CEOs?!

      • NotWearingPants

        The states that have legalized recreational use seem to be bringing in quite a lot of tax money from it. One would think a comparison to what the prison-industrial complex brings in would be in order. Of course, pot-smoking taxpayers don't make fat campaign contributions, so doing what's best for all loses out to what's best for the politicians and the people who buy them.

        • iSpeekEngrish

          "Of course, pot-smoking taxpayers don't make fat campaign contributions, so doing what's best for all loses out to what's best for the politicians and the people who buy them." Bingo!

          It doesn't matter that even the US is starting to wave the white flag on the failed (and very expensive) war on drugs. Or that a country like Portugal mostly fixed their rampant drug addiction problem by decriminalizing and treating it as a health care issue.

  • Triseult

    What Canadians don't want is Harper.

  • Autumnal

    Right, whatever you say, Harper.

  • NinjaKlaus

    I love how politicians like him are always like to bring out that line "the people don't want it." Yet, they never say we'll let them vote on it...because they might vote for it.

  • TempusThales

    Why don't you go waste more tax payer money on anti weed psa propaganda?

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