• Vera

    Today, Exxon acknowledges climate change is a "risk," though it doesn't believe that reducing the use of fossil fuels is the right way to mitigate it.

    β€œIt is equally essential that society manages the risk of climate change by increasing energy efficiency and by investing in research into technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” a 2014 company announcement says.

    but wait, frugal me just read earlier in the article....

    Despite the warnings, the oil giant, which brought in $127 billion in gross profit in 2014, cut back its carbon dioxide research in the late 1980s

    Exxon – the United States' largest oil company – has spent $30 million to discredit climate science to protect its carbon-based business.

    Society does not need to invest in technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Exxon can use some of the 130 billion it makes this year. I expect at least 30 million $$ invested. tick tock.

    This whole issue disgusts me, I guess the billionaires who profit figure they will be dead before it gets real bad and just fuck future generations.

    • racerxonclar

      Businesses exist to do one thing and one thing only: make money. They're not there to be nice, they're not there to provide jobs... they're here to line their own pockets, and whatever methods or effort rewards them the most is what they'll chose to do.

      That's why it's important to always tell businesses what's not okay, whether with legislation or our wallets...and to actively incentivize them to do 'good' things. Frankly, America has been horrendous at both of those.

      • a7h13f

        The problem now isn't even corporate personhood. It's that corporations are treated BETTER that people. A person who ruins thousands of lives will go to jail. A corporation that does it will be fined, at best. People will eventually die. Corporations get bailed out. People get to vote. Corporations hire lobbyists and spend billions of dollars buying politicians who then ignore their own constituents. We have to get corporations out of politics, and we have to start holding them accountable for their actions.

        My suggestion? Make politician a less profitable profession. Maybe then we can elect people interested in conservation and equality. Anything would be better than what we have now.