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Published 7 years ago by geoleo with 3 Comments

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  • NotWearingPants

    How to cure homelessness: "Go be homeless somewhere else."

    • NinjaKlaus

      Sadly this is the way most large cities think, Atlanta has a law says you can't feed the homeless unless you pay a food processor license or be fined. It's because "feeding people outside raises a host of sanitation and logistical issues." This bullshit was instituted about the same time they shut down a shelter and refused to replace it with a new one.

  • Appaloosa

    The sanctimonious citizens of Malibu are too busy saving all of the the earth from the ills of avarice, social injustices and climate change and just don't have enough bandwidth to deal with real and immediate hungry street urchins bringing down their property values.

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