Other than it's friggin crazy? The people who go through sex changes have a body that is constantly fighting thst change. Because they are physiologically male or female. The problem lies within their brain and not their body. Mental illness.
Oh okay. I was curious as to how your view differed from the professionals we've dealt with and wondered if your conclusion was reached through research of gender dysphoria. I'm assuming not.
Enabling this behavior is criminal. These people need help, not a different box to check.
Yes, they need help. They also need the love, support, understanding, acceptance and equalities that go along with being a human being.
I wonder how left handed people fit in or even feel about X on a passport. edit spelling
She's also left-handed so maybe one day I'll find out :)
She?...anyway, the world is not a left handed one. We adapt, even excel in many cases, but we don't ask the world to change for us.
Just curious why you feel this is criminal?
Enabling mental illness instead of treating it as such is what is criminal. Especially with children.
What leads you to the conclusion this is a mental illness?
Other than it's friggin crazy? The people who go through sex changes have a body that is constantly fighting thst change. Because they are physiologically male or female. The problem lies within their brain and not their body. Mental illness.
Oh okay. I was curious as to how your view differed from the professionals we've dealt with and wondered if your conclusion was reached through research of gender dysphoria. I'm assuming not.
You're kids would be better off in foster care. Child abuser.
So my assumption was correct. Ah well, it takes all sorts I guess.