• Gozzin (edited 5 years ago)

    But it won't..Even if someone waved a magic wand and gave us the teeth, intestines and microbiome of a rabbit,or a gorilla,so we could get nutrients from plants,,the destruction would still happen,but instead of cows,the earth would be covered with carbage like rice,wheat,corn and beans..What would really help is if birth control was common practice,but humans make cats and rabbits look like rank amateurs in that regard. Of course,humans being deprived of meat and fats that we evolved to eat and left to be pushed to eat carbage,the obesity epidemic t2 diabetes and early deaths from eating processed grain /soy,high sugar ,vegetable oil laced "food" will at least curb some of the population.

    The growing of grain crops specifically for intensive livestock is clearly part of the problem, as is highly intensive grassland farming. However, blaming meat consumption so specifically lets an awful lot of practices off the hook.When one considers the rabbits, hares, deer, moles and wild birds killed each year to protect food crops, and the decline in hedgehog and other small mammal numbers since the 1950s – in part due to the removal of hedgerows to make fields larger for crop production – plant-based diets could even be responsible for the deaths of as many mammals and birds as animals slaughtered from the livestock sector