8 years ago
Auschwitz medic Hubert Zafke goes on trial at fourth attempt
A 95-year-old former SS medic has gone on trial in Germany, after his mass murder trial was postponed three times for health reasons. Hubert Zafke appeared in court in Neubrandenburg in north-eastern Germany accused of assisting in the killing of 3,681 people at the Auschwitz death camp. The indictment covers one month, from 15 August to 14 September 1944. The Nazis killed about 1.1m people in Auschwitz, most of them Jews. Shortly before the pre-trial hearing began, Hubert Zafke was given a medical check to determine under what conditions the trial could take place.
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I'm no holocaust denier, just a questioner of facts. If they were killing people at a rate of 3600/mo, it would take over 300 months to kill 1.1 million people and Aushwitz was only open for a few years, 4 I think. I've run the numbers over and over and over when this topic has come up and it never, ever equals 6M dead Jews. There simply were not enough death camps, nor enough capacity in the camps, to kill that many people and dispose of the bodies.
The only answer I ever get is, "You are just a stupid Denier. You just don't get it, you stupid dummy. You're stupid." Yeah, well, if you do the math it works out to 500 people per day, per death camp. 500. Every. Day. No holidays, no breaks, no snow days. Every day at every camp 500 dead bodies had to be disposed of. Every. Day. It's simply not possible.
But, never once has anybody ever presented facts to refute my points. Other than the "fact" that 6M Jews were killed. That's not a fact, it's a number.
With that said, put that Nazi piece of shit in prison for the rest of his stinking life.
Edit- Actually, most people who call me stupid will write, "Your stupid." I don't respond to them as the irony has me laughing my ass off.
They have tied him to 3600 in that month, nowhere does it say that only 3600 died there in that month. The 3600 could be limited to shifts that they can prove he worked.
I caught that. My point still stands.
Edit- Let's say, for example, that they were making mass graves. Last year, using the newest equipment, I excavated 4 trenches that are 3' deep, 10' wide and 200' long. It took almost 2 days per trench. That was in an open field where we didn't have to remove any trees. I don't know if you've been to Germany, but it's heavily treed. It's absolutely agreed that there were not enough ovens to have cremated all of the bodies and mass graves have been located, so we simply know for a fact that not all of the murdered Jews were cremated. That means that a lot of trees had to be removed and a lot of earth had to be moved, and that takes time, manpower and resources. Diesels (edit- I mean in heavy equipment) back then were not nearly as efficient as they are now, and Germany had resource problems. I'm just sayin'.
The thing is that most people just want to accept what they have been told without ever actually looking at the numbers. I'm a numbers guy. This is not a new concept, or something I saw on a conspiracy website, this stuff occurred to me when I was a kid in high school back in the 1970's and was learning about that period in history. The numbers just never made sense to me.
However, the fact is that whatever the actual numbers, it was horrific and that's where people want to leave it. They don't care if it was 1 million or 6 million, it was a genocide and nothing about what happened should questioned, and if you do question it you are an anti-Semite, a holocaust denier, a heretic and a hater in general. Whatever.
There never were (and never will be) exact numbers. The estimations are based on a number of factors. The Nazi's own records, witness statements, and survivor stories all played into it.
As far as resources go, they didn't require heavy equipment to dig mass graves, they had slave labor to do that. Give a thousand people shovels and shoot a couple of slow diggers, and you can get a motivated workforce. The weak/starved/sick ones were the first ones in the hole. When they ran out of places to dig, or wood to burn, they just piled them up and left them to rot.
That's too depressing to think about. Fuck.