• Kalysta

    I don't feel guilty at all. I never gave these companies permission to use my personal data and browsing history to target ads at me, so I'm going to ignore them when they try. Plus, I have fundamental disagreements with the capitalist mindset of "buy buy buy, more more more!" There is no such thing as unlimited growth, and we need to stop treating the world like there is. The planet would be better off for it. If they really want me to buy their shit, they should tell me how they're helping the planet, reducing waste, making their products last longer so replacement waste is minimized and how they are helping their workers earn a living wage. Instead I get crap advertisements about walmart rollbacks.

    And the money this is supposedly costing advertisers, is that real money or projected revenue? Because projected revenue was never theirs to begin with, and they shouldn't be counting that as a monetary loss.

    • TheDylantula

      Actually, chances are you have given those permissions. Ever sign up for pretty much anything Google (Namely installing Chrome or browsing while logged in to a Google (GMail) account)? Then you gave those permissions. With the installs of both of those you accept terms and conditions that Google AdSense (Which is used for a large majority of internet-based advertisements) is allowed to use your browsing history to personalize ads for your viewing experience.