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Published 9 years ago by geogrammer with 6 Comments

Mostly a knitter, but tried out crochet and I love it!

My first granny square :) I picked up a crochet hook to fix a knitting project and then decided to give crochet a whirl.


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  • eggpl4nt

    Awesome job! Nice clean stitches. :)
    You gonna start any more crochet projects after this one?

    • geogrammer

      Thanks! Yeah, I actually just started a really simple scarf! :)

  • Qukatt

    Some of the coolest projects out there are mixed crochet/knitting so keep at it :D

    • geogrammer

      ooo I've never seen any projects that incorporate both crochet and knitting together!! do you know of any patterns that could check out that use both?

      • Qukatt

        On my phone atm but pattern central has a section for it.

        Most of what I see though is more of a free handed style. Or you knit your item then do your edging and appliqués in crochet.

        I wish I could knit, I would be right in about the Herbert Niebling lace work. Either that or it's my dream to find out make a crochet conversion for one of his patterns.

        • geogrammer

          Thanks! I'm definitely going to check that out!! And I'd never heard of Herbert Niebling before, but just checked out his work and talk about some amazing lace work! :D

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