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Published 9 years ago by funhonestdude with 2 Comments

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  • Clayton (edited 9 years ago)

    No, it's not. It is well known that you could potentially carry the Ebola virus in your semen (and potentially other bodily fluids) for up to nine months after being cured. All this does is verifies what scientist speculated years ago.

    The Ebola sensationalism train crash and burned months ago, it ain't coming back.

    • Fuyu

      All this does is verifies what scientist speculated years ago.

      I fail to see why you're so angry about this. Unless you're using the term speculated wrong, and the article is incorrect in saying this person is the first to contract it through semen (which by definition does kind of make it a sexually transmittable disease...), this is a very important development. Scientists "speculate" a lot of things that turn out to be false, and this turned out to be true.

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