
    "Global competition for world domination". Along with this line of tripe this author would have you believe that these "Nepali Kids" would even want to come so far to his predicted dilapidated U.S., while "China and India are ruling the world", just a stones throw away from their native land.

    • fictionparker

      Nepal doesn't mingle well with India and China, so Nepali youths probably will still prefer US than their neighbors (Ind-Chi) who are always looking to exploit the burgeoning political scenario.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 10 years ago)

        Comparing kids, esp from such disparate social-economic backgrounds is ludicrous to begin with, add the overgeneralizations that promote this anti -American sentiment, makes it pathetic to say the least. The "Nepali kids" would be all to grateful to adopt and adapt to the American mindset thus their argued uniqueness, swallowed by our, author's hinted, cultural abyss.................Why pick Nepal?, Kids from comparably poor, or any country don't "rock"?. ........... This author has a sick mindset, definitely not a global or even American one.

        • fictionparker

          Author's mindset is not sick at all, or even anti-American in any way. I believe he's just trying to appreciate the trivial lifestyle found in developing nations and how people there do not take things for granted as much as in the top-tier countries. The point about complementary Wi-Fi is legit; explains it all. And yes, I agree it is not just Nepali kids. Other kids from other developing nations (even those in rural areas of developed ones) would fall in the same category. These kids live more responsible lives on average, because they are born with awful lot of responsibilities. And there is no way out.