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Published 7 years ago by feedmerd with 8 Comments
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  • leweb

    I can't help but appreciate the concordance between your username and choice of topic.

    • feedmerd

      Thanks! I'm quite enthusiastic about feeding the gut properly and will mainly focus on nutrition science with practical applications in cooking with my time on snapzu so hence the username :)

      • Gozzin

        Coooooool. Me too. I've been researching this microbiome stuff for years and have already got my biome sequenced from the American Gut project. Here is my biome,which I tinkered with in the Gimp. Enjoy!


        • feedmerd

          That is awesome! Top-notch diversity, if I may say so. Are you vegan? Fascinating, thanks for sharing.

          • Gozzin (edited 7 years ago)

            Omnivorous. I eat ketogenic. Yeah, I find the gut microbiome to be fascinating. I showed that to my gastroenterologist,plus my gp and they thought it was cool. Over the years,it has been damaged and I have dysbiosis as a result,but I work hard to keep what's left of it happy. My wish is to get a fecal transplant if the FDA ever lets it happen for IBS. I'm pleased you enjoyed it.

      • AdelleChattre

        What's the delicate way to ask? What's the meaning you meant to convey by 'merd?'

        • feedmerd

          feed me rd or feed me register dietitian (rd)

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