9 years ago
Some Americans refuse to give up on Confederate flag
Many Americans assumed the Confederate flag was retired for good after governors in South Carolina and Alabama removed it from their statehouses this summer and presidential candidates from both parties declared it too divisive for official display. But people still fly it, and not just in the South, despite announcements by leading flag-makers and retailers that they will no longer sell products showing the secessionist battle flag.
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Apparently Confederate elements have seized control of the vicinity of a parking lot at a state park in Georgia, again. Not without local opposition, however. No doubt there will be many nights’ sleep lost about this at U.S. Central Command.
Honestly, who cares? I think it's being blown out of proportion and instead of solving a problem they are drawing attention to it and making people feel 'oppressed' and creating even more animosity towards not only the establishment but those who would see the flag banned outright. If people who displayed the flag were borderline racists before this, they are full on converted by now.
Sure it can have negative connotations, and I think everyone acknowledges that, but these things only have power when people give them power, otherwise it's just another piece of cloth with a design on it.
So true.
I don't see any way to prevent people from displaying any flag they want. And the south likes the rebel flag. It's not going to change.