• fanficmistress

    Thank you! It is funny when I first opened it I was able to read it but now it is behind a paywall.

    • AdelleChattre

      Happens all the time with the WSJ. Usually you can craft a Google query that'll give you a top result that'll get through, like this but their paywall makes everything such a crapshoot that I’ve just stopped linking to them entirely.

      • fanficmistress

        I think that's probably going to be the case with me as well since I'm not a fan of the paywall.

        • AdelleChattre (edited 8 years ago)

          It's their loss, a business decision that they made. As often as I come across a story of theirs, if there's anything to it there'll be more and better on it elsewhere. Like this, presumably dictated to the Journal literatim by their unnamed Pentagon handler. And as can easily be seen, the same story was then fed to other journalistic bottomfish as well.

          The Journal was such a monied, right wing, patrician snob rag before it was bought out by Rupert Murdoch, that the biggest change I can see since then has been the erection of the giant paywall.