fairychamber's feed

  • 5 years ago
    Video/Audio fairychamber

    Why Jo and Laurie don´t end up together

    The ever old question.

  • 5 years ago
    Level Up fairychamber

    Level 2

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  • 5 years ago
    Expression fairychamber

    Frozen II, The Sámi Culture and Scandinavian Myths

    In Frozen 2 there are multiple references to Sami culture and Scandinavian myths and folklore. The Sámi´s are native people of Scandinavia. There are about 20 000 people in this world who speak Sámi languages. These days you can find Sámi´s all over the world (and people with Sámi ancestry) but in general, most Sámi´s live in the Lapland of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Kuola Peninsula in Russia.