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Published 11 years ago by everlost with 6 Comments

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  • RedditGoose

    How do these people have time to watch 8 hours of tv per day. Insane

  • Stranger

    I do Binge-Watch sometimes. But it's not a daily thing, though! I let my shows pile up on my Tivo and by the time I get time to watch them, (usually a weekend day that I have nothing planned) I can sit down and watch TV mostly all day, trying to get caught up.

    • drunkenninja

      Yeah, I tend to do the same thing.. but I wait for the show to run its series for the year, and then I dig in. I hate waiting a whole damn week to see what happens next episode.

      • Stranger

        When I'm watching with my husband, we will sit down and watch a whole series, but when it's just myself, I tend to watch a few episodes here and there of several different ones. I get tired of it if I watch one show back to back.

        • drunkenninja

          Yeah, when I watch shows I like to immerse myself into them... so back to back is the only way I roll.

      • Slyken

        I do the same, I try to stay away from spoilers but still trying to understand what shows are worth watching and after a year or so I start watching them.

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