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Published 9 years ago by everlost with 9 Comments

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  • idlethreat

    That's like saying "If you lock your doors, it makes it harder for police to raid meth labs". No, numbnuts. The bad guys will lock their doors, no matter what laws you put into place. All you are doing to making sure that average americans have no privacy.

    • douglas77

      numbnuts. [...] All you are doing to making sure that average americans have no privacy.

      I think they are quite aware of that.

    • Nerdeiro

      This is the whole idea. Weakening privacy make it easier to snoop on political activists and opositionists, so if push come to the shove, they have all the material they need to harrass, discredit of even arrest those people. Ask anyone who lived or lives under dictatorships like Egypt or pseudo/proto dictatorships like Venezuela. Claiming it's for law enforcement is only a sugar coating to sell it to the same public that'll be victimized by this. It's like claiming they're trying to "protect the children" when the real objective of Internet filtering is plain old censorship of information.

    • pueno

      Not only US!

  • jmcs

    Of course he does, I wouldn't also be surprised if Hillary Clinton is also against encryption. It's very hard for elites to keep control if people can talk behind their backs.

  • b1ackbird

    But when the event moderator, former CNN anchor Jeanne Meserve, brought up scientists’ conclusions that giving law enforcement special access to communications also gives hackers more access, Bush didn’t explain his position any further.

    Ah more Bush Brilliance on the horizon.

  • a7h13f

    In related news, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, Yahoo, and every other tech company will soon be coming out against Jeb Bush.

  • alot (edited 9 years ago)

    Haha, and wreck their public relations with their users in the process, while new services without such "cooperative relationships" pop up? I'm sure Google and others are all over this idea...

  • TonyDiGerolamo

    No surprised. The authoritarian wing of the GOP is in full swing. It's a childlike view of the world where only "bad people" do secret things.

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